Home » Press TV » CAPPA Rejects National Water Resources Bill ~ The Press Tv

CAPPA Rejects National Water Resources Bill ~ The Press Tv


Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa, CAPPA has called on all well meaning Nigerians to rise against the National Water Resources Bill which has passed first reading on the floor of National Assembly.
CAPPA in a press release made available to Crossfire itemized all the evils associated with the bill if Nigerians allows that to happen.
“As we welcome you here, you must agree with us that nearly three years after Nigerians across all the geopolitical zones raised serious questions about the contentious National Water Bill, the issue has come up again. When Nigerians had thought that our lawmakers would hearken to the voices of Nigerians for a serious review of the Bill, it was steadily progressing towards passage in the National Assembly”.
CAPPA said that the bill is anti people, arguing that should the Bill passed into law the ” Bill is not intended to serve the interest of the generality of Nigerians who not only subscribe to the UN Resolution on the Human Right to water, but also strongly believe the Bill is the first step in plans to commodify our common patrimony.

Source: crossfire news

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