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Digital World: Reasons Why You Need a Website Right Now – Adewale Adegoke


People are more internet savvy than ever before. However, there are many businesses that feel that, they are OK even though they don’t have an online presence. There over 100 reasons why businesses need a website. In this article, we will only talk about the 33 reasons why you need a website right now.

#33. Your Competitor Has A Website – Whether you choose to compete or not, there is someone trying to earn your potential customers’ business. When price isn’t the issue, and 1 reference isn’t good enough to close the deal, your website can be used as a tool to gain new customers. If you don’t do it, your competitor will.

#32. Your Customers Are Looking For You – In a perfect world every customer that you ever service will keep your number on their refrigerator, or in their cell phone. When they need you they would simply go to the frig and give you a call. Unfortunately wives throw items away from the frig without asking and cell phones get lost or broken. When you customer needs your service again, it is likely that they will know your name and not your number. In many cases they will then look for your website.

#31. Your Customers Need Your Help – A happy customer would love to help you gain new business, however if someone is asking about your work and your previous customer doesn’t have you phone number off hand they may be forced to search for your business online. With no website, you give your competitor a perfect opportunity to impact your potential customer’s decision.

#30. Many People Use Websites to Research Before They Buy- Many people love the fact that they can research a service anonymously before they make a decision. No pushy sales people, only information on a product or service. Position your website properly, and you can have the greatest impact on a their final decision.

#29. Establishes Credibility- Years in business, Testimonials, Photos, and Pricing Information all help to establish credibility. Your website is a perfect tool to provide this information and much more for the customer that has never heard of your business.

#28. Shows Quality of Work – You may be able to provide the best service or have the best product, but if no one sees your work, no one will buy from you. A professional website gives a potential customer a sense of your style, a chance to see your work, and a chance to determine if you can provide the best service.

#27. Create a Fan – There are many potential customers that are not ready to buy from you right now. A website can be used as a tool to make them a fan so that you can communicate to them with your expertise until they are ready buy.

#26. Before and After Effect – Show your potential customers that you understand their needs. Use your website to tell a story with before and after photos. The better you are at showing that you can solve a problem, the sooner you will earn a customer.

#25. No One Knows The Business Better Than You – As a small business owner there is something that brought you into the business. There is something that makes you unique. Maybe its your price, or quality of service. It could be your time of completion on your job. Use your website to show customers your expertise, and what makes you different from your competitors.

#24. Many People Won’t Buy Unless You Have a Website- Where there is one person who doesn’t mind doing business with you without a website, there may be one more that would like to see your website before they make a decision. The question you have to ask yourself is, which one of these customers is more likely to spend the most money? If your answer is the customer that is looking for a website, then you need to act quickly to reach those customers right away.

#23. Your Domain Name May Be Purchased By Anyone – There are companies that buy domain names only to sell to the owner of a particular business. The more successful your business is, the more at risk you are of being a victim.

#22. If you completed Your Website Today You Are 4 – 6 months away from seeing consistent traffic – A well optimized website in a competitive market like Atlanta will take about 4 – 6 months to achieve exceptional ranking. That means that if your site was complete today, you would not be able to see the true potential of your website for some time.

#21. Your Competitors Need Your Help – You read this reason right. Your competitors may need your help. Every week I have customers that get calls from other businesses to provide a service that they don’t offer. Let’s take a roofer for example. If this roofer only provides roof repairs and cleaning, and a potential customer needs a new roof. He is not likely going to train his technicians on how to install a new roof. He is more likely to give this to a company who can provide this service. Many companies get calls like this in their industry all the time.

#20. Your Customers Don’t Know What You Do – Many times your greatest opportunity to grow your business is by up selling you current customer base. A website is a great tool to show your customers all of the services that you offer. I call it, making sure you get the low hanging fruit.

#19. Your Name Doesn’t Say It All – In #21 we talked about a roofer who doesn’t do new roofs. What if you are a car insurance company that offers health insurance as well? The key here is that your business name doesn’t say it all. A website is your opportunity to show the customer all of the services that you offer.

#18. Your Safety Net – Plan on advertising in the yellow pages, billboard, tv, radio, or even a magazine. You need a website right away. If someone sees your billboard, but couldn’t write down your phone number on the road, they will probably look you up online when they are avail-able. If they hear your radio ad, or see your television commercial they may search on the internet for more information. Your website will help to protect your investment in other forms of advertising.

#17. Your Dream Customer Is Looking Online – Do you know your perfect customer? If you do, make sure that you show them that you provide the service they are looking for, answer the questions they usually have, show some examples of completed projects, and give them the price they want. If you are successful at providing this information, you will attract the perfect customer every time.

#16. Search Engines Need Your Help – The purpose of search engines is to provide people with information. By adding information about your product or service, you help provide the search engines with answers to the questions that users may have. Fortunately for you, sometimes this information will attract new customers.

#15. It’s 2010

#14. Why Not Have Two Businesses – When people come into your brick and mortar business they can take a look at the products and services you offer, get pricing information, and make a purchase. Many people won’t leave the house until they have decided what they are going to buy. A website for many people is a second business, in that it reaches a group of people who would probably never come to your physical location.

#13. Website Design Is More Affordable Than Ever – There are more internet advertising companies than ever before. This competitive market means you win. With some companies building websites for as low as $250, the question isn’t how much anymore it is “what does this include?”. While website design is important, be sure to add an effective internet advertising strategy as well to your program.

#12. Time Is Running Out, But It’s Not To Late – With the rapid growth of the internet, many businesses are learning how important it is to advertise on the internet. The more websites that are built in a particular industry means the more competition. The search engines have factors that they use to help some websites perform better than others. One major factor is time. If you build a site today, and your competitor builds his in another year, you have the upper hand on keeping high visibility.

#11. Instant Policy Information for Customers, Phone numbers, and Business hours – Have you ever needed to get a specific department of a company, but had to be transferred several times to get the person you needed to speak to? Are you making your customers do the same thing? Give your customers a point of reference to follow for your product or service online, as well as, people to contact for more information.

#10. Reach Potential Customers 365 Days a Year, 24 Hours a day – Many people choose to research a product or service before they buy. Unfortunately, for many businesses they need to do their research after business hours when they get off work. Give these potential customers relevant information about your product or service, set their expectations on what they can expect if they were to hire you for the job, and you have a tool that will reach people 24/7, 365 days a year.

#9. Collect Email Addresses of Potential Customers – This is my secret weapon of lead generation. You would be blown away by the amount of people who would prefer to leave their contact information such as email instead of phone number. What I would have you consider is, what person is so busy that they would rather communicate through email than pick up the phone and call? You guessed it! Someone who is very busy, or said differently someone who is very successful. Someone you would like to talk to.

#8. Save Money – A website will save you money because it saves you time. It will save you time by, shortening your sales cycle. You can also use your site to narrow your market to a product or service that brings a higher return. Reduce calls for services you don’t offer. Protect Your Brand Name. Last but not least, protect your investment in other forms of advertising.

#7. Reach Local Market – If you can’t be the King of Rome, be the King somewhere! Market your site locally, and dominate your local area to generate quality leads from people who are ready to buy right now.
#6. Answer Common Questions – How long have you been in business? How much does your product or service cost? How long will your service take? When can you start? What do you need to do to get started? Where are you located? What is unique about your product or service? The questions you answer every time a new lead calls you. Save yourself time and speed up the sales cycle with simple answers to common questions.
#5. Test New Products or Services – Is there something unique about your product or service that no other company has? Have you created something that will save people time, save them money, or perhaps even make them money? Reach people quickly and receive feedback from the people who need it most. If you have something worth sharing people will invest in you.
#4. Speed Up The Sales Cycle – Provide a complete resource of information on your website that people can use to make a decision on your product or service online and you have shortened the sales cycle. Save people time, and they will give you money.
#3. A Sales Tool Outside Of The Office – Provide sales tools for your account representatives to use in the field. Give them log in and password to access spreadsheets, pricing information, or power point presentations. Consider allowing them to process sales and payments online so they will not have to carry sensitive customer information like credit cards, or checks. In many cases, this will save your representatives time, leaving more time to do what you need them to do. Sale!
#2. Protect Your Brand Name – Thousands of businesses can be tremendously impacted by the effects of 1 negative review. If a business has been around for more than 2 years, there is a very high chance that there is some information about them on the internet. Yellow page directories, search engine map listings, and BBB will often provide a platform for customers to give feedback on a business. Unfortunately, happy customers won’t usually take the time to find these directories to write reviews. Without a website, you are at risk of 1 single negative review being seen by every potential customer that looks for your business online. Give your happy customers a platform to write positive reviews about your business and perhaps a person who was going to write a negative review will reconsider based off of the work you have done over the years.

#1 Search Engines Want To Help You Grow Your Business – That’s right Google, Yahoo, and Bing wants to make you money! Think about it… If you became wealthy off of online marketing with Google, who are you going to spend money on for advertising? Big businesses and large corporations have already figured out how to get customers from internet. The search engines biggest opportunity to grow their business is to help you grow yours.

There are many reasons why you need a website. I hope this article helps to you know 33 reasons why you need a website right now!

Adegoke Adewale Saheed,

CEO, G-Link Information & Communication

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