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EKITI BYE ELECTION: Slain Police Officer Buried Amid Uncontrollable Tears ~ PressTv


Tears flowed uncontrollably on Wednesday in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State as the remains of the female police officer, Bukola Okawaye who was murdred during the bye Election in omuo Ekiti was laid to rest.

The police officer was among those shot dead by some political thugs during the poll.

Speaking at the burial ceremony, Ekiti State Commissioner of police, Mr Tunde Mobayo noted that the late officer was highly dedicated to duty during her life time and prayed God to grant the families she left behind the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

Sympathizers at the programme sought justice for the officer and urged state government to extend hands of fellowship to her children.

The late officer was killed at the age of thirty three.

Meanwhile, three persons have been remanded in correctional centre in connection with the Omuo killings.

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