Home » Press TV » Launch Of Palliatives For MSMEs: Job Creation By Professor Mojisola Christianah Adeyeye Director General NAFDAC, At NAFDAC Head Office Lagos

Launch Of Palliatives For MSMEs: Job Creation By Professor Mojisola Christianah Adeyeye Director General NAFDAC, At NAFDAC Head Office Lagos


Speech By Prof. Adeyeye C. M

Director General NAFDAC

Launch Of Palliatives For MSMEs: Job Creation

At NAFDAC Head Office Lagos

15th May, 2020.


His Excellency, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, GCON, The Vice President, Federal Republic of Nigeria;
The Hon. Minister of Health, Dr. Osagie Ehanire;
The Managing Director, Bank of Industry; Mr Kayode Pitan
The Director-General, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), Dr. Dikko Umaru Radda;
Gentlemen of the Press;
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.
It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the launch of Palliatives for MSMEs as a means of Job Creation for our people. NAFDAC is doing this via reduction in Registration fees, and assisted E-registration through NAFDAC Automated Product Administration and Monitoring System (NAPAMS). The MSMEs palliative event will run concurrently in the six geo-political zones plus FCT and Lagos state.

NAFDAC has the statutory responsibility to safeguard public health through the execution of its mandate which is to regulate and control the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, advertisement, sale and use of food, drug, cosmetics, medical devices, chemicals and packaged water, generally referred to as regulated products. The Agency ensures that only quality products that are safe, efficacious and wholesome reach the market and ultimately, the consuming public. This is achieved through vigorous regulatory activities including inspection of production facilities, sampling, laboratory evaluation, post marketing surveillance, enforcement etc.

Globally, MSMEs contribute up to 45% of total employment and up to 33% of National Income in emerging economies. In a recent review of 2017 survey according to National Policy on MSMEs, it was revealed that in Nigeria there were 41.4 million MSMEs and that about 99% belonged to the micro sub-sector. In the words of His Excellency the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo,’’MSMEs are the bedrock of Nigeria’s industrialization and inclusive economic development; and the most important component of industrialization as set out in the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan’’. The significance of MSMEs in the nation’s economy cannot, therefore, be over-emphasized. It is believed that if enabling environment is provided, MSMEs could get the country out of the present predicament of unacceptable rate of unemployment, illicit financial engagements, insecurity, political and social violence. There is a need to recognize their role in employment provision and to encourage, grow and support the sub-sector.

NAFDAC being an active member of the Presidential Enabling Environment Council (PEBEC) has continued to support the job creation agenda of the present administration in line with the provisions of Executive Order No.1. One of the provisions is to create an enabling environment for businesses, entrench measures and strategies aimed at promoting transparency and efficiency. The Agency carried out a lot of reforms of its activities to create an enabling environment for MSMEs businesses to thrive, focusing on micro and small companies. NAFDAC has achieved the following:

Creation of Small Business Support Desk (SBSD) to facilitate registration processes for micro and small business operators.
Reviewed guidelines for registration of products and uploaded them unto the website.
Reduced requirements for registration of some food and cosmetics products.
Granting 50% discount on tariffs for product registration.
Expedited laboratory analysis for samples.
Allowing micro companies with similar products to share production facility.
Non engagement of consultants by companies for product registration and instructed them to visit NAFDAC offices directly.
Ninety (90) working days timeline for product registration.
Registration of micro enterprises products at the zonal offices nationwide.
Prompt treatment of complaints/enquiries from companies.
In furtherance to compliance with the Executive Order on the Ease of Doing Business as well as proactive response to the challenges of CoVID-19 pandemic, NAFDAC has instituted the following palliatives for the micro and small businesses:

Offering zero tariffs for first 200 micro and small companies to register their products on the launch day.
Eighty per cent (80%) reduction in tariffs for the registration of micro and small enterprises products for a period of three months.
Giving waivers on administrative charges for late renewal of expired licenses for products of micro and small businesses.

Micro and small enterprises within the MSME classes of business are encouraged at this forum to take advantage of these laudable incentives to massively embark on e-registration of their products.

I would like the Industry to support NAFDAC by adhering to the Agency’s laws, regulations and guidelines in the course of doing business to ensure quality standards and safety.

In conclusion, we look forward to robust interactions and dialogue with all stakeholders as NAFDAC upholds he Customer-focused and Agency minded motto.

Stay safe and thank you all

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