Home » Press TV » Buhari’s Aide Ojudu, Adeyeye, Tinubu’s In-Law, Bimbo Daramola, Other Ekiti APC Leaders Accuse Fayemi Of Non-Performance ~ The Press Tv

Buhari’s Aide Ojudu, Adeyeye, Tinubu’s In-Law, Bimbo Daramola, Other Ekiti APC Leaders Accuse Fayemi Of Non-Performance ~ The Press Tv


By wazobiareporters

Special Adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari on Political Matters, Senator Babafemi Ojudu, Former Minister of State for Works, Senator Dayo Adeyeye, Hon. Oyetunde Ojo, an in-law to former governor of Lagos State, Bola Tinubu and some other members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ekiti State have handed a verdict of non-performance on the State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi

The APC stakeholders, who reacted to alleged plans to suspend them by the party, in a joint statement issued on Sunday, said they have given their best at different times to building the party through hard times and would not want APC to suffer a reversal of fortunes in Ekiti.

While communicating their grievances to the newly constituted caretaker committee of the party at the national level, they alleged that Governor Kayode Fayemi has jettisoned the collective efforts of the members since he was re-elected in 2018.

“This travesty was committed deliberately to completely ostracise people out of the party activities and today that is what has become the rule and not the exemption.

“In almost two years, the party had not convened any political meeting of stakeholders, no new membership drive, no political activity whatsoever to rev up and consolidate the place and presence of the party in the state since inception of this administration till date. Instead of growth, the membership of the party is dwindling by the day.

“Indeed the more visible, the more the orchestrated efforts to hack the person down in a harvest of suspension. Today the following persons have been suspended or in the process of suspension: Senator Tony Adeniyi, Senator Babafemi Ojudu, Congressman Bimbo Daramola, Honourable Oyetunde Ojo, Honourable Akogun Bunmi Ogunleye, Chief Ben Oguntuase, Mr Dele Afolabi and Diran Fadipe.”

The statement was signed by 15 APC leaders including Mr Ojudu and those whom the Ekiti APC allegedly suspended or planned to suspend as stated in the preceding paragraph.



We the undersigned are members of APC and patriots of the Ekiti project.

Consequently none of us having given our best at different times to building the party through hard times will not want our party to suffer reversal of fortunes.

Party faithfuls rejoice when we win elections, but above all, the greatest desire is to see the party endure and impact lives when those in government deploys the manifesto of the party to make tangible and lasting positive difference.

The future of any party is dependent on the combined deft management of the party and government in such a way that all members have a sense of belonging rooted in fairness and justice, while government delivers on the promises of the party as encapsulated in her manifesto.

It is in the recognition of this that we acknowledge the intervention of President Mohammadu Buhari GCFR, in the matters of the party leading to the dissolution of the National Working Committee and the inauguration of the Governor Mai Mala Buni ‘s committee to bring some calmness into the party.

This gratifying development has informed the need to bring to the attention of the newly constituted committee our concerns about the unfortunate drift of our party in Ekiti State. Prior to now we we have communicated the situation effusively to the dissolved NWC.

As this new body sets about resetting the future of our party, it has become imperative to acquaint the leadership with developments in Ekiti State.The time has come to bring to the fore the developments in the state and the political realities in our party.

On June 21, 2018, Ekiti people pulled the state from the brink and stranglehold of the immediate past administration, we all heaved a sigh of relief, and looked forward to a time of healing and revival in our progressive tendencies, as defined by development and inclusiveness.

Our victory was a much sought after, a battle well fought, and won, not solely through the Governor’s efforts rather by all party people who worked so hard to secure that much coveted victory,and with that came the expectation that attends a new day. But that hope has been dashed two years into the four year journey.

If the present leadership in Ekiti state is guided by sense of history, it will be sensitive enough to realise that the present administration has taken our party back to that inglorious point that we got to in 2014, that was the prelude to our political travails.

Just like five years ago, when deafness to reason contributed to our loss of the election to Former Governor Ayo Fayose who taunted all our party people to no end with his 16-0 jibes for 4 years, we lived with that humiliating taunts all through his administration at no fault of the people.

We the undersigned stakeholders therefore feel compelled to speak up now, “a stitch in time saves nine”

Consequent upon the victory at the Gubernatorial elections of June 21, 2018, the Governor immediately jettisoned the collective efforts of the members of the party and initiated a clannish group under the philosophically deficient identity named “JKF TOKAN TOKAN” which led to the need by uninitiated party people to “politically isolate” and”social distance” to be safe from the released “political CORONA VIRUS” of disdain for time hallowed principles of political inclusiveness, and injustice from their laboratory.

The ground for this was set earlier after the emergence of the Governor, and a stakeholders meeting was convened at Otunba Niyi Adebayo, the present Honourable Minister of Industry’s residence in Iyin Ekiti, where the list of names that had been clannishly compiled was ratified as the list of party executives for the Wards, Local Governments up to the State levels

It will be of interest to ask if the present executives of the party at any level can tell the world with proof the date the congresses from where they emerged as winners, either through elections or by consensus, where the elections were conducted, i.e the locations and the officers of INEC or indeed officials from the National Secretariat of the party who witnessed it.

This travesty was committed deliberately to completely ostracise people out of the party activities and today that is what has become the rule and not the exemption.

In almost two years, the party had not convened any political meeting of stakeholders, no new membership drive , no political activity whatsoever to rev up and consolidate the place and presence of the party in the state since inception of this administration till date., Instead of growth, the membership of the party is dwindling by the day.

Today, any member who expresses a contrary view is seen as a dissident that must be harassed and intimidated, notwithstanding the status, stature, profile , reputation and above all contributions of such person .

Indeed the more visible, the more the orchestrated efforts to hack the person down in a HARVEST OF SUSPENSION.

Today the following persons have been suspended or in the process of suspension.
– Senator Tony Adeniyi
– Senator Babafemi Ojudu
– Congressman Bimbo Daramola
– Honourable Oyetunde Ojo
– Honourable Akogun Bunmi Ogunleye
-Chief Ben Oguntuase
-Mr Dele Afolabi
-Diran Fadipe

The State, Local Government and Ward executives who see the Governor as their benefactors capitulate under such threats of removal and denial of patronage to carry out the marching orders to suspend party members without recourse, just to please their masters, except in Senator Babafemi Ojudu’s Ward where the chairman stood his ground not to oblige such a perfidious request. And for this, that Ward executive is being hounded, harassed and oppressed.

Our concern also is stirred not only by the unnecessary and imaginary battles with party members but self inflicted hate with dire consequences of the yet unnecessary terror that Governor Fayemi has unleashed on 16 Ekiti first class and revered traditional rulers, directed that they be queried FORMALLY and threatened them with DETHRONEMENT contrary to our age long tradition.

It took the intervention of foremost Yoruba rulers, the Alaafin of Oyo and Ooni of Ife to give them a temporary reprieve. He has not relented in this ignoble pursuit of them.

Every thoroughbred Yoruba son or daughter knows the implications of this on our people and COLLATERAL damage on any political party in future.

Opting to enforce, not earn respect and loyalty, the political appointments given to the members of the party are exclusively reserved for the Governor Kayode Fayemi’s JKF TOKAN TOKAN rapacious gang and dispensed with baits.

This has been taken to such a ridiculous extent whereby all the thirty five appointments from the state were secured for his cronies when he was Honourable Minister of Solid Minerals, and are still being held by most of those appointees till today, some of whom now hold other positions in the state government at the expense of other party members. We challenge them to put out their letters of resignation.

It is a common feature today to find Honourable Commisioners in the State cabinet still holding Federal Political positions, and those in the National Assembly holding Federal board positions.

Beyond politics, we challenge the Government of Kayode Fayemi to list with pictures tangible projects undertaken in two years and the amount of money collected over that period from the Federation Account

The State as well as the 16 local governments have collected billions of Naira (NBS records) in allocations this year’ between January to April alone, and no local government has witnessed ANY FORM of DEVELOPMENT whatsoever. Then citizens have asked for explanations none is forthcoming.

In what will appear as a misplacement of priority, the government is committing huge amounts out of the lean resources to build a cargo airport without cargo, no farm is being developed to have the capacity to service any cargo airport, IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS!!!

Indeed the major bridge on the way to the so called cargo airport has been washed away since last year!!!

When the COVID-19 pandemic broke, doctors in the employment of the state government were about to down tools until well meaning people intervened from among us stakeholders because the health system in the state is non existent and was so unprepared, leading to the death of an innocent woman whose son’s gory account berated the government for the untimely death of his mother in an open letter

Our doctors had less than 50 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the entire state.

At the beginning of the administration, the state government announced a recruitment scheme for young unemployed Ekiti people the application for this jobs attracted the payment of N1500 per applicant.

We challenge the state government today to make public how much was collected and how many people have been successfully employed from that scheme. It is an albatross on party members.

Ekiti people are desirous of knowing how many hospitals and schools have been built or renovated in two years, rather the Government of Kayode Fayemi would prefer to commit 1billion Naira to the renovation or rebuilding of sale of Ekiti State Governor and Deputy Governor’s lodge located on T.Y Danjuma Street Asokoro in Abuja that nobody stays in! The opposition party has challenged the government to publish the facts against the documents in their possession. Till date no explanations

The pursuit of the touted aspiration of Governor Fayemi in 2023, even when the President Mohammadu Buhari administration is yet to turn 365 days, has clearly shifted the attention and commitment of the Governor to the extent that the Governor instead of focusing on the huge responsibilities that our parlous situation at the state deserves has shifted his gaze to what has no immediate benefit to the people of the state but desperately in furtherance of his personal ambition got steeply deep into the politics of the party at the National secretariat, funding and fueling the same at huge expense to the state.

The recent crisis at the national party has indeed provided an escape for the Lord of Ekiti who claims to rule from Abuja as alternate President to be completely absent from work as he has been since his assumption of office.

This public expression, the first in the series of our string of legitimate interventions, by the EKITI APC STAKEHOLDERS FORUM must therefore be seen for what it is as a patriotic duty to secure the value and worth of our party, our future as politicians of the progressive hue on the platform of the All Progressives Congress and more importantly as persons who are irredeemably committed to making our state a great one in the league of states.

Our intentions are pure and noble and time will prove us right or wrong if we do not redress this drift now.

We shall not fail, nor falter.

This is a sacred duty.

1. Senator. Tony Adeniyi, Ekiti
South Senatorial District
2. Senator Dayo Adeyeye-
Ekiti South Senatorial District,
Former Minister Federal Republic of Nigeria
3. Senator Babafemi Ojudu-
Ekiti Central Senatorial District and Special Adviser to the President
3. Hon. Oyetunde Ojo – Former Member
House of Representatives, Ekiti Central II
4. Hon. Bimbo Daramola
Former Member House of
Representatives, Ekiti North 1
5. Hon. Robinson Ajiboye – Former
Member,House of Representatives
Ekiti North II
6. Rt. Honourable Adewale Omirin- Former
Speaker Ekiti State House of Assembly
7. Honourable Femi Adeleye- Former
Member , Chief Whip ,Ekiti State House of Assembly
8. Dr. Oluwole Oluyede- Consultant Physician,
Former Gubernatorial Aspirant
7. Akogun Bunmi Ogunleye – Special Adviser Governor and former Chairman House of Assembly Service Commission.
8. Mr. Shoga Owoeye- Businessman
9. Omoba Bamgboye Adegoroye
10. Mr. Ben. Oguntuase
12. Chief . Akin Akomolafe
13. Engr. Ayo Ajibade
14. Mr. Dele Afolabi-former SSA to governor
Kayode Fayemi
15. Barrister Tayo Oluwasola

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