Home » Press TV » FENRAD Condemns the Killing of Soldiers in Enugu’,Call for immediate investigation ~ PressTv

FENRAD Condemns the Killing of Soldiers in Enugu’,Call for immediate investigation ~ PressTv


Against the backdrop of the killing of two operatives of the Nigeria Army at Adani in Uzo-Uwani LGA of Enugu State allegedly by members Eastern Security Network ESN, Foundation for Environmental Rights Advocacy and Development, FENRAD, a human and pro-democracy rights group, has sent its condolences to the Nigeria Army while condemning totally the killing of its men in Enugu.

From the military’s release made available to the public through Director of Army Public Relations, Onyema Nwachukwu, the military said the ugly incident happened in the wee small hours of Tuesday (July 13) during fire exchange between its men and members of the network which serves as the militant arm of the proscribed and want-away IPOB group.

FENRAD condemns the death of these gallant men whose passing happened in the line of duty and as well does commiserate with the Nigerian army, relations and friends of the deceased. This, FENRAD says, should not be happening at a time like this giving the near-fragile state of security in the Southeast. The Foundation also wants a thorough and detailed investigation into the matter in such a way that intelligence infrastructure is deployed in tracking, apprehending and then prosecuting the killers of these two comrades now fallen.

FENRAD also thinks it is appropriate that the real perpetrators are rounded up and their true identity established bearing in mind that most times killings of security personnel had happened in the Southeast region where the IPOB or its ESN armed wing refuted all allegations of being the mastermind or behind such horrendous acts. While it is lawful that only those designed by law to do so bear arms in defence of the state and territorial spaces thereof, there is no intelligence report or finding in the public domain revealing whom the “Unknown Gunmen” operating in the Southeast are yet. Attacks have been coordinated and carried out by unidentified and unnamed nefarious group known as “Unknown Gunmen”, and so FENRAD believes what is happening in the Southeast, including those with the security agencies stationed thereto, may be beyond that region.

Again, FENRAD calls for calm on the part of public and for professionalism on the part of the military. May the souls of these and those of others who died protecting the Southeast and the entire nation rest in peace as we believe they will not have died in vain.

Comrade Nelson Nnanna Nwafor

FENRAD Executive Director

Barr. Olusegun Bamgbose
Head Legal Team FENRAD

Aba.Abia state, Nigeria

Emails: info.fenradnigeria@gmail.com, fenradnigeria@yahoo.com

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