Home » Press TV » APC Chair: Activist Drums Support for Saliu Mustapha: “the ruling party popularity seems diminishing, the wisest way of turning the table is by electing a pro grassroots National Chairman such as Eng. Saliu Mustapha”

APC Chair: Activist Drums Support for Saliu Mustapha: “the ruling party popularity seems diminishing, the wisest way of turning the table is by electing a pro grassroots National Chairman such as Eng. Saliu Mustapha”


At this critical junction of the All Progressive Party, APC where the ruling party popularity seems diminishing, the wisest way of turning the table is by electing a pro grassroots National Chairman such as Eng. Saliu Mustapha.  Mr. Mohammed Bougei Attah, also known as MBA drops this hint in a media interactive session held in Abuja recently.

Organized by Abuja Media Stakeholders, the event was to deliberate political trends in the country especially as we approach the next general elections, Attah, a civil society activist, management consultant and procurement professional attributed the current ugly situation in the country to political imbalance and bad governance.

In his key note address at the event, Attah charges political party in the country not to further escalate the ethno religions divisions amongst Nigerians but build bridges across all divides.

The activists charges the APC to consider a youthful and grassroots relevance of Saliu Mustapha, an aspirant for the APC Chairmanship position in making its decision as the party national convention draws near.

“The founder and the sole sponsor of Saliu Mustapha Foundation; an NGO which has been empowering thousands of youths is currently running for the ruling party’s top position. I must sincerely tell you that he is the best among all the contestants eyeing the chairmanship seat.”

Attah who is a childhood friend and colleague of Saliu Mustapha described him as a unique personality and rare gem in our type of leadership in Nigeria of today. He identified Mustapha as not only a sincere and God-fearing person but also a lover of peace and humanity.

“If fairness, sincerity of purpose and service to the people are major elements of leadership, then we need the likes of Musty” as he’s fondly called by his friends in Kaduna those days”, said Attah.

“I have been Musty friend for over 20 years and I can confidently vouch for him. I recalled a particular incident where we both started the publication of NGO Network, a general interest magazine for the nonprofit sector in Nigeria that lasted for 10 years. Without expecting any financial return but for his believe and conviction that the tabloid will impact positively in the society, Mustapha supported the startup with his savings. As a young man with no regular income and has not worked in the public sector then, it will be right to say he has earned his decent living by investment in others”, Attah added.

Attah, the convener of the NGO Network for the Revival of Ajaokuta Steel Company added that though “I’m not a politician and have not had any relationship with the other aspirants, however, their public services in the last ten years compared to that of Mustapha are enough to evaluate them”.

Attah therefore advices the leadership of the APC to make a good choice in Eng. Saliu Mustapha for good governance, leadership excellence and service to the people such that could make the party retains its ruling beyond 2023.

Mustapha’s political career started in the early 21st century when he became the first national publicity secretary of the Progressive Action Congress (PAC), a defunct political party that contested

in the 2003 Nigerian presidential election. He became a member of the ANPP and was devoted to the presidential ambition of Muhammadu Buhari. In 2009, when a breakaway faction of the ANPP led by Muhammadu Buhari formed the Congress for Progressive Change, Mustapha became the national deputy chairman of the party. He held this position until the party merged and formed the All Progressives Congress.

He contested in the 2018 Kwara state’s APC primary and got endorsed by the northern part of the state. He got disqualified from participating midway into the election. The National Working Committee of the party later apologized for the disqualification citing it as unauthorized.

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