Home » Press TV » FBN in Trouble As Its Customer Petitions ICPC to Probe FBN, CBN Over Non Issuance of Approved Travel Allowance ~ PressTv

FBN in Trouble As Its Customer Petitions ICPC to Probe FBN, CBN Over Non Issuance of Approved Travel Allowance ~ PressTv


By Olushola Akinyele

Engineer Benjamin Akin Akinbobola is apparently angry with the First Bank of Nigeria, FBN, a commercial bank he has been using for many years ago. Eng. Akin as the business man is fondly called dreamed of a successful business trip abroad. He has applied for Personal Travel Allowance; PTA from First Bank through the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN as the law requires and his request was approved by appropriate office of the CBN only to be denied disbursement by his bank, the First Bank of Nigeria, FBN.

The Engineer who explained to SECURITY MONITOR how his journey abroad was affected by the bank’s action had hitherto petitioned the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) over the refusal of FBN to sell an authorized personal Travel Allowance (PTA ) to him after his request was approved by Trade system of Central Bank of Nigeria.

In a petition submitted to the ICPC office on 25th February 2022,Engr Akinbobola disclosed that he applied for personal travel allowance (PTA) on 7th January 2023, to enable him travel out of the country, he stated that on 11th of January 2023, he received email from trade system of Central Bank, informing him that his application has bee approved with reference number AF202246965 and directed to wait to be contacted for disbursement from the branch of his bank, First Bank PLC, Alausa, Ikeja.

The petitioner further posited that no one contacted him for disbursement of the PTA ,but had to devise another means to enable him travel for his engagement and upon his return, no one has gotten back to him or give excuse on why his PTA was not disbursed. The business man maintained that he believes that officials at the Trade system of the Central Bank are buying back the foreign currencies for themselves.

Engineer Akinbobola stated that “on January 7th 2022, I applied for PTA for the purpose of travelling to the united kingdom (,UK) on 22 January 2022,I satisfied all CBN requirements. On 11th January 2022, an email was sent to me by Trade system (CBN), that my application was approved and a reference number AF202246965 was given to me..I was then asked to wait to be contacted for disbursement from the branch of my bank,first Bank PLC,Alausa secretariat. ”

Continuing” I had visited the branch of my bank many times ,after waiting in vain,without being contacted. I therefore have started to believe what many Nigerians are saying ,that what the trade system of CBN is doing in connivance with commercial Banks, is to go ahead and buy for themselves ,the PTA ,they supposed to sell to me,after I might have travelled. The action of the trade system department of the Central Bank of Nigeria negates the anti corruption policy of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.

He noted that he has received confirmation mail from the ICPC that his petition will be looked into but concluded by calling on the ICPC to ensure drastic actions are taken to deal with those involved in the criminal action.

“I therefore calling for drastic decision against those involved in this anti people actions that have continued to stigmatize the reputation of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration as anti-corruption government”

FBN Head of Corporate Department, Folake Ani-Mumine could not react to this allegation when confronted with it by this medium. She neither picks call nor responds to text messages over the allegation raised by the bank’s customer.

When contacted, Osita Nwanisobi, spokesman of the CBN told SECURITY MONITOR to send mail or messages over media enquiry, weeks after sending such mail, watsapp and sms, Osita cannot explain what measures the CBN as regulator of banking system in Nigeria could do to sanitize the sector against such abuse as alleged by Akinbobola.

On the state of the investigation, ICPC Spokesperson, Azuka Nwunye told SECURITY MONITOR that “ICPC does not disclose the status of its investigations to the public”.


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