The English playwright and screenwriter, Robert Oxton Bolt must have had a different context in mind when he coined the phrase ‘A Man for All Seasons’ as the title of his play written in 1954 based on the life of Sir Thomas More, a foremost English lawyer, judge, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted renaissance humanist.

With the passage of time however, events and circumstances have proven that the phrase ‘A Man for All Seasons’ as was conceptualized perfectly fits a Nigerian ace legal practitioner, technocrat and emerging political figure, Anosike Nwachukwu, who is a prominent 2023 House Representative aspirant in Anambra State precisely Anambra East/Anambra West Federal Constituency, on the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP platform.

It should be noted that Bolt himself borrowed the usage of the phrase from his contemporary, an English grammarian, Robert Whittington who in writing about Sir Thomas More had earlier expressed his perspective as paraphrased thus: “More is a man of an angel’s wit and singular learning. I know not his fellow. For where is the man of that gentleness, lowliness and affability? And, as time requireth, a man of marvelous mirth and pastimes… A man for all seasons.”

Robert Bolt’s play portrays More as a man of principle, envied by rivals and loved by the common people and by his family. More is presented as one who remains true to himself and his beliefs while adapting to all circumstances and times, despite external pressure or influence; representing “a man for all seasons.”

Linking Nwachukwu to the worldview created by Bolt in the mentioned play, there is clear manifestation that Anosike, a product of uncommon grace rising from a humble background, has firmly established himself as someone with a lofty vision for societal transformation. He remains true to convictions and has an enduring place in history for pursuing his goals with single-minded commitment as can be seen in his admirable approach towards his bid to provide quality representation for his people.

In the play, Bolt created the common man to illustrate the place and influence of the average person in history, even though they are often overlooked and this has a correlation with Nwachukwu who has clearly demonstrated that everyone irrespective of status matters in the society. That is why his House of Representative quest has become a populist project as rightly themed: “The People’s Project” whose visionary echoes reverberate across the length and breadth of the State.

Nwachukwu, 47 exudes the maturity, emotional intelligence, uncommon discipline and refreshing candour which place him miles ahead of his generation, yet his unassuming and charismatic personality remains distinct in his interaction with everyone who comes in contact with him. For Nwachukwu , every human being is created equal and so the level of social interactions measures the same.

In his endeavors over the course of years, Nwachukwu’s brilliance and outstanding character has reflected in every opportunity and position he served; his footprints of excellence remain indelible in public service and professional career generally.

As he aspires to represent the good people of Anambra East/Anambra West Federal Constituency 2023, this writer affirms that Nwachkwu’s poise and tenacity of focus has removed the glass ceiling for many young men in Nigeria as he has established himself as a source of inspiration and beacon of hope for many in diverse ways, politically and otherwise.

The foresight, clarity of vision and a purpose driven focus with eyes on the future of Anambra East/ Anambra West, has singularly endeared Nwachukwu to the youths, women, middle-aged and the elderly whose confidence he has earned thereby stamping a spot in posterity for himself. As it does appear, Nwachukwu’s ambition though on a partisan political platform, has transcended partisanship given how his People Project theme has continued to garner teeming support.

It is unarguable therefore that an Nwachukwu’s candidature on the ballot will be a choice way of winning the hearts of people, given that the Anambra East born gentleman has the competence, commensurate exposure and ample education and strength of character; the qualities that make him appealing beyond partisan lines.

When Chinua Achebe wrote ‘A Man of the People’ in 1966, he might have had someone like Anosike Noel Nwachukwu in mind. From Anambra East/Anambra West Federal Constituency, the name Anosike Noel Nwachukwu reverberates as a man so deeply loved by people for different but interwoven reasons all revolving around his humane, humble and calm disposition and above all his exemplary leadership conduct.

Nwachukwu is no doubt a man for all seasons; seasons of the young, the not too young, and the old alike, he is that connecting link between our experienced elders and the tech-savvy young minds who will collectively champion a noble cause towards taking the good people of Anambra East/Anambra West Federal Constituency to a greater heights of socioeconomic transformation and quality Representation.

Mr. Noel Anosike Nwachukwu is a legal practitioner and an astute businessman based in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, graduate of the famous Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. Mr. Noel was admitted to the Nigerian Bar in 2001 from whence he commence a stellar corporate law practice which has seen to the flotation of many successful companies and conclusion of great number of corporate deals. Aside being the Team lead and Principal Partner of the law Elias Mordi and Co, Mr. Noel is also a lead Partner in Al-Nox Solicitors. He is also the Group Managing Director of the Folio Group Companies where he oversees the day-to-day activities of the Group both in Lagos and Abuja.

A Public Affairs Analyst writes from Abuja.

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