“Nigerians should stop blaming the government” – Bhakati-Dhira DamoDara Swami

…The purpose of human lives is to love God and without that, it’s a failure.
How can you describe yourself?
My name is Bhakati-Dhira DamoDara Swami, I’m a member of the Hari Krishna movement, we’ve been trying to preach the message of God’s consciousness. We’re the same all over the World.
The main purpose of Hari Krishna is to remind you about God; it’s only when we love God that we will be happy and satisfied. People are trying to look for happiness and satisfaction all over the World and there are so many peace organization promoting peace all over the World but it’s very difficult for someone to be fully happy and satisfied because we’re missing the link and the link is to try to love God, once that’s done, we will have peace and satisfaction
Christian religion uses bible for their teachings, Islamic religion uses Holy Quaran for their teachings, what book does Hari Krishna uses for their teachings?
We have Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavad means God, while Gita means Song and the meaning is Song of God. The book has been in existence for over 5000 years. The book teaches everything we need to know about God, the World, and ourselves. The book has been there before any other scriptures, that’s the fact.
When was Hari Krishna brought to Nigeria?
Hari Krishna movement was brought into Nigeria in 1979 and since then we have been progressing and trying to help people, the movement was taken to America in 1966.
What do you have to say concerning the house warming and the NGO we are launching today at Ogijo- Ikorodu, Lagos?
Our charity foundation is materially and spiritually equipped, many people do charity only for the body. This house warming we are doing today/ Charity is to help people both materially and spiritually. The food we give to people purified the souls and the body.
What’s the name of the foundation?
The name of the foundation is Joe Vincent Charity foundation (JV Charity foundation)
What do you have to say about Hari Krishna movement?
All of us are suffering in this world because of ignorant, imagine someone going to the kitchen to cook without knowing how to cook, what do you think would happen to him?, he will end up burn the kitchen and the food he wants to cook, and nobody will benefit from it, similarly, we are ignorant of the Hari Krishna movement, if you ask people the meaning of Hari Krishna, they will say all sorts of things they don’t know and they don’t care to know or ask, why not show some intelligent and ask questions on what you don’t know, we will tell you, then you will understand what we stand for. Our duty is to explain what you don’t know to you, people should come forward to ask, and we are ready to explain what we stand for.
Where are your temples located in Nigeria?
We have temples in Abeokuta, Ibadan, Jos, Lagos, Enugu, Warri , Benin and all over Nigeria.
Can you please tell us your relationship with Joe Vincent, the man in charge of the foundation?
He is one of my disciples and spiritual head, we have many disciples all over the World and I’m very happy he’s progressing, I must commend him and I expect my other disciples to take a clue from him. People are living in ignorance but by the time they know the importance of Hari Krishna, they’ll be happy.
In terms of dedication to service, how will you rate your members in Europe and African countries?
I’m an African but I must say the truth, in other parts of the World like the Europeans, Americans, Indians, they make a fast advancement than Africa. In Africa,we still have slim mentality, anywhere the white people find themselves, he work hard to maintain it, but in Africa, we don’t think about what to offer, but what we can get, we have a short vision, we don’t have long lasting vision and this is also affecting our practice
What informed your kind of attire and haircut?
Our simple life affect our lifestyles, see this my attire color I’m wearing now is what I will wear for life, I don’t think of any color again, and our dressing come with simple lifestyle, not too expensive, it gives us a simple life of simplicity.
Is it true that you were rejected by your family at your initial stage of joining the movement?
That’s not true, no family member rejected me at the initial stage of joining Hari Krishna, because from my childhood, I’ve been trying to search for God, I passed through Bible College to know about the tenet Christianity, this has even helped to pave way for me.
But the only issue I have was that of the organization because I went to follow the part of the organization and they were not happy with it but we have eventually resolved it.
Is any of your children a member of Hari Krishna?
No o, I don’t have a child
As a spiritual leader, what’s your advice to Nigerian government on the hardship in the land?
I want to talk to all Nigerians not to blame the government because our president represent who we are, if we are good, we will have a good president, what we are is what we have, if we change ourselves, we will have a good leader.
I was in Brasil when I traveled with my disciples to do programme from city to City and the tyre our vehicle broke down and we pack to change our tyre, the contractor in that area came to pay for the tyre, that indicate who they are, how will God not bless them, can that happen in Nigeria?