Home » Press TV » Eid Maolud Celebration: Grassroots Politician – Erubu Felicitates With Emir , Governor,Muslim Humah In Ilorin ~ The Press Tv

Eid Maolud Celebration: Grassroots Politician – Erubu Felicitates With Emir , Governor,Muslim Humah In Ilorin ~ The Press Tv


L.G Chairmanship Aspirant Felicitates With Emir of Ilorin, Gov. Abdulrazak on Eid Maolud Day

A front line chairmanship Aspirant in Ilorin South Local Government, Mallam Yusuf Olayinka Erubu has felicitates with Muslim humah in Ilorin and across the globe on this year’s celebration of Eid-El- Maolud.
“I felicitate with our Muslims brothers and sisters in Islam and in particular rejoices with our spiritual father, the Emir of Ilorin, Mai Martaba Ilory, Dr Ibrahim Sulu Gambari on this year’s occasion of the birth of the Holy Messenger of Allah, (PBUH.)”
Erubu, an APC grassroots mobilizer prayed that “may Almighty Allah gives us the grace to witness more celebrations of day like this on earth”
“I also salute my leader and Governor of our dear state, Alhaji AbdulRahaman AbdulRazak whose dedication and commitment to good governance earned the state a reputable image among comity of state within the short period of his administration in office. I pray that this year Eid El Maolud will ushers him more wisdom to lead Kwara to Eldorado”
Mallam Erubu however appeals to the teaming youths of the state to desist from vandalism and looting of both private and government properties hence according to him “thuggery and vandalisation is not halmark of the state dubbed as state of Harmony.

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