Home » Press TV » Don’t Allow Offenders To Go Unpunished; Speak Out – Princess Ifedoyin Founder Of “IFECO FOUNDATION” Advises Abused Victims ~ PressTv

Don’t Allow Offenders To Go Unpunished; Speak Out – Princess Ifedoyin Founder Of “IFECO FOUNDATION” Advises Abused Victims ~ PressTv


By Temitope Idowu | PressTv

Princess Marylove Adenike Olatubosun hail from Akure in Ondo state, she graduate from OAU, LASU UCH and Undergraduate of UNILAG. She’s very carering , lovely and energetic, expecially when it comes to therapist and counselling. A founder and convener of Ifedoyin and friends charity organization, popularly know as IFECO FOUNDATION.

While having an Interview with PressTv , Ifedoyin explained on how she was passionate and encourage by family and friends.

What Gives You Passion For Having A Foundation?

Firstly I give thanks to almighty God, for making it possible. When my Father was alive he was A philanthropist and he always telling us that when you give, you have more than holding and whoever that gives shall also received”, which is very true I had the experience when I got an accident , it took me almost 6 years to be able to walk again and during this trials period God sees me through with help from Unknown people. Which is one of the reason why I can’t stop giving.

Tell Us About Your NGO?

Ifedoyin and friends charity organization is an outreach foundation founded to:





What Are Your Keys
Achievements As A Founder Of This Foundation?

“To God be the glory this is our 11th years we have visited over 30 towns, 7 states , 10 Religions gathering, 20 schools in Nigeria, Rescues over 50 Teenagers from hard labours and child abuse, Empowered over 10 women….to mentioned but few.

What Qualities Do You Think Are Required In Running A Successful NGO’s?

“Having an NGO is a very big task, it requires Passion for humanity, Integrity, Accountability, Focus, Determination , Energetic and Self disciplines. Because it take a lot of dedication before the aims and objective can be achieved.

Is There Any Cases Your NGO As Handled And What Did You Learn From It?

Uncountable, we have handled several case in term of Abuse, Abandonment, violence, health issues and others. If I started explaining ten pages won’t be enough but to mention few. There was one of forced marriage that happened in Ondo town the girl was 17 years at that time, IFECO FOUNDATION went for sensitization. On this faithful day a girl came to us and said her father want her to marry his friend who has helped him before , the man is already married 4 wives with many kids. We went to the house to meet the mother because the father and mother had separated. The mother collaborated the story we proceed to the father house the story was the same , the man said he has promised his friend and nobody can change his decision. It took us time pleading to him and the man said his mind has made up; then we went to the friend house who welcomed us with Cutlass and said he will use voodo on us. At this level we know self mediation can’t solve the problem, so we proceeded to police station to make a complain. They were invited by the police and the Man still stands on his point.
With the intervention of the Force, the mother begged us to go with the girl who just passout from secondary school.

Eventually, her mother said she have a sister in Lagos that we should help her to locate where she lives. Due to our experience before leaving we make sure we got Court restraint order, so that the man won’t be disturbing the mother. With the glory of God ; We brought the girl to Lagos located her Aunt somewhere in Ikorodu and handed it over to her a month later we were called that the man she was betrothed to came to their house with thugs In lkorodu, then she was already applied for a course in abroad with help of God she got admission but before she left we made sure the man was arrested for threatened her life, charged to court and signed an agreement never to threatened her or any member of the family again with payment of fine. All this took us 14 months.

What’s Your NGO Philosophy?

Honestly, we care for all because No life worth loosing…

What Are The Challenging Facets In This Your Choosing Career?

“Running a Foundation like ours requires fund and supports from people”, but many dubious people has made it uneasy to get assistance even if you seek for it with genuine evidence, some people or companies that can assist have seen NGOs owners as business people which is untrue, genuine NGOs founders can’t do business with his or her foundation because there are numerous needs, there is no enough amount of Money that can cover the needs of the needy , we can only do our parts and leave the rest for who so ever what to help to.

What Would You Like To Have Done In The Next 3 Months? 3 Years?

For Instance, Our 2020 annual outreach was in badagry for 3 days”, right now we are planning Sango/Ota 2021 annual outreach by God grace this won’t cost us less than 2 millions naira and we are self sponsor. If we are able to meet up with before the set up day September which i pray we do, the Foundation will be planning for our end of the year humanitarian visit to the street…

In the next 3 years we have planning to a space bus registered to the Organization name, Home for the street kids and aged where they can stay and learn an informal education.

What Are Some Of The Long Term Objectives You Would Like To See Completed?

A lot but let mention few…
• Building Home for street kids and Aged

• Building and equipped vocational study school

• Eradicate Child abuse and hard labours

• Eradicate violence and Hunan trafficking

• Make our street peaceful and stayable

What Type Of Support Does Your NGO Given or Receive ln Terms Of People, Finances, etc.?

A philanthropy can decide to help IFECO FOUNDATION with Money or donates any items that can be useful to needy. But we don’t actual give money to the people but we do give what wort the money needed like”, Hospital bills pay to the hospital, Medication, Wheel chairs, food, clothe and others.

What Are Your Plans For Future Growth or Change?

“NGOs works can’t be done with one Foundation that’s; we look at partnering with many NGOs, Ministries will be of more help. And to help ourselves to grow.

What Makes Your NGO Different From Similar NGO’s?

However, we are similar because we want to help those that can’t help themselves in term of justice and personal needs, but IFECO FOUNDATION are special because we go beyond saving “we give what will make them to sustain the lives we have saved and we don’t give up until we get solution to any of the issues we called it end result report.

How Would You Describe Your Organization Structure, Culture, Policy Personality, and Management Style?

“We are very matured people , full of love , believe in the cause and have passion for humanity. Gathered from different tribes , culture, Age, with different religions and professions.
But one thing bonded us which is LOVE, this made easy for us to relate with each others , performing our duties with Fun and Harmony.

What Policy Did You Want Government To Implement To Drum Support For The NGO’s or Foundation Owner’s?

Nigeria Government needs to focus on NGOs that are genuinely doing the work when there an opportunity to support not divert it to something else.
They should also make the registering policy a flexible one so that it will help the NGOs to register with affiliated Ministry. Too many procedure and requirements has made some NGOs to be operating in isolation and this has it own negative impact of the system for example it easy to hijacked this kind of NGOs for some personal use and others.

Your Advise To Victims, Who Fail To Report Any Abuses Cases To The Appropriate Bodies?

You can’t help yourself by keeping silent, you are already a victims, keeping it to yourself will add more pains to you and indirectly an accomplice of that Act,” because by allowing the offender to go unpunished or uncorrected… He or she will continue the evils act and add more to the list. So my advise for any victim to not be part of injustice to his/her self and the society.


God Bless You All….

You can be part of the move and touching life’s of the needy by making your donation to our account.


For Enquires:
Email: ifecoagainstabuses@gmail.com
website: www.ifecofoundation.org

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